
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The 10 Step Program

The 10 Step Program by hbmike2000
The 10 Step Program, a photo by hbmike2000 on Flickr.

The Challenge: Take a photo in 10 steps

Step 1: Open front door, look both ways to make sure no one is looking.

Step 2: Take 10 steps, shoot picture, run back in house, look at picture, hate them, delete.

Step 3: Open front door, look both ways to make sure no one is looking.

Step 4: Take 10 steps, crawl under bush, shoot picture, run back in house, look at picture, hate it, delete

Step 5: Open front door, look both ways to make sure no one is looking.

Step 6: Take 10 steps, crawl on ground under car, shoot dang picture, get up, say hi to neighbor who is now looking, run back in house, look at picture, hate it, delete.

Step 7: Fling open front door, make sure the neighbor is gone, slam door shut.

Step 8: Stomp 10 steps, climb over trash cans, scratch yourself on a branch, take stupid photo, climb over trash cans again to get out, wave to nosey neighbor, go into house, slam door, look at photo, hate it, delete

Step 9: Fling the door open, look around, give neighbor the bird, slam door.

Step 10: Take 10 GIANT steps to get farther away, crawl under bushes, shimmy between BBQ and wall, stand on one leg, wave free hand in the air for balance, take the damn shot, screw crawling under the bushes, crash through them, apologize to neighbor, go back into house, slam door, trip on cat, look at photo, swear, sigh, upload it.

View on black or I will move in next to you.

Our Daily Challenge: 10 Steps

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