
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

I'm In Heaven

I'm In Heaven by hbmike2000
I'm In Heaven, a photo by hbmike2000 on Flickr.

This was one of those shots that shouldn't be. I had a horrible day. I was tired and cranky and this four year old kept sticking his sucker to me. Having the wrong attitude makes taking photo's difficult. So I made up my mind to be happy. I tossed the four year old over the railing into the Little Mermaid pond, smiled and looked around. I found a big beam of light from the heavens above shining down on the astro orbiter. I got down, shot some shots and had a good time. Till I came home and downloaded my photo's. Sticky Fingers (the four year old) had touched my lens when I wasn't looking. It took a lot of processing to get rid of all the marks. I am glad I didn't delete this as was my first intention, cause I rather like how this came out. So thanks, Sticky Fingers and sorry for throwing you into the pond.

View on black or it's over the railing with you

100 Pictures: Color

(Seriously Disney Police, you would of thrown him over the railing too. It was a shallow pond)

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