I think I just found the perfect place to work. :)
View on Black (We Charge whether you do or not)
100 Pictures: Reflection
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
If We Can't Fix It ... We Won't
If Could Just Smile For One Second, I Would Appreciate It
With camera in hand, I ventured outside not knowing what I was going to shoot for today. I searched through the garden trying to find something appropriate but the only thing I found was Sister Mary Moo who I didn't even know I had lost. She was mad! I must of lost her when I was chucking her and the Flock of Seagulls around for the Sister Mary Moo Has Too Much Mexican Food photo. Anyway, nothing inspired me. Finally, I noticed a small potted plant on the other side of the yard under the wasp nest I had shot yesterday and remembered there was a plant growing in the bottom called Stone Face. Perfect! I ventured over. As I got within two feet of the potted plant under the wasp nest, those little boogers flew out and stared me down! If they are mad enough to remember me from yesterday, I ain't going near them. So I went to the garage and grabbed a 16 foot pole that has a hook on it and was able to drag the potted plant away from the obviously still holding a grudge wasps.
I never knew why they were called Stone Face until today. I couldn't get them to smile for anything. They're probably still mad because I said they looked like toes.
View on black Toe Face
Our Daily Challenge: Stone
These little guys are less than a quarter of an inch in diameter.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Condo's For Rent
Dear Neighbors,
You may have noticed me running down the street this morning waving my hands in the air screaming "They're after me, They're after me!" Just wanted to let you know, I'm not nuts. I belong to a group called Our Daily Challenge (and yes, they are nuts) and our challenge for today was UNFINISHED. Not knowing what to shoot, I found this cool wasp nest under a candle holder hanging on the fence. I thought to myself, that will work because it's small and obviously UNFINISHED cause they are still working on it. I had my Hoya close up lenses +4, +2 and +1 on my camera and I figured what the heck. So I got REAL close and took a couple of shots before realizing I hadn't zoomed the camera in. I stood up. Zoomed the camera, got within three inches from the wasp, focused ... and no wasp on the nest. Pulling the camera away from my face, I found three REALLY mad wasp flying around my face. Hence, why I was running down the street waving my arms around screaming They're after me, They're after me. I believe it was about a quarter of a mile before I was finally able to lose them but to be sure I kept going. So if anybody is around the Newport area, if you could please stop by and take me home I would appreciate it cause it's hot and I am exhausted from all the running.
View on Bla ... ahhhhhhhhhh, they're back! RUN!
Our Daily Challenge: Unfinished
Monday, August 29, 2011
Friends Put Up With Each Others Idiosyncrasies
He said carry me. So I am. He wasn't specific. Besides, he belched in my face and asked me if I could guess what he had for dinner. I could and it was gross.
View on black or guess what I had for dinner
Our Daily Challenge: Friend (maybe I shouldn't leave him hanging)
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Why Men Don't Ask For Directions
Because WE DON'T HAVE TO! I do just fine without asking for directions. While driving around ToonTown in my red and blue thing-a-majig car, my gas gage read empty. Did I need to ask where a gas station was? No. I just drove around for two hours in the 100 degree summer sun with the top down and when the red and blue thing-a-majig car ran out of gas, all I had to do was push it. Finally I spotted (you were wondering when that spotted thing was gonna come in, weren't you) a gas station on the side of the road. I pushed the car up to the pump, passed out from heat exhaustion and was revived by a four year old splashing the content of his sippy cup on my face. So, I made it to a gas station and did NOT once have to ask for directions.
PS. While driving around ToonTown, I may have hit a couple of things. There may be only 95 or 96 dalmations now, not really sure.
View on black ... if you can find it
Our Daily challenge: Spotted
One Of Us Is In The Wrong Place
Please don't let it be me, please don't let it be me, please don't let it be me. It's probably me.
View on black but hold your breath in case it's you.
Hmmmmm, I slid the crud out of this to get the wrinkles out. Obviously I didn't slide enough. :)
Saturday, August 27, 2011
hbmike2000's photostream
hbmike2000's photostream on Flickr.
My Flickr Photostream. Give it a stroll, I think you will like it
Who Let The Fish Out??
Mr. Stix, could you please explain to me why there is a white poof behind you after I searched for hours to find a piece of sky with NO clouds? The challnege was blue, NOT blue with a white poof. Will no one cooperate with me anymore! Geeze!
View on black, really brings the poof out!
Our Daily Challenge: Blue
The 1970's
I was at a party in the early 1970's where the Drugs, Sex and Rock N Roll were flowing freely. Barely able to stand up, I sauntered up to the bar to get a drink, the bartender looked at me and could tell I obviously had too much and said, Son, your only three years old, should you be in here?? I was furious! Tell me what I can and can't do! So I grabbed my walker and scooted over to the Godfather and said Marlon, I'm tired and cranky and I am pretty sure my diaper is full, could you please take the bartender "fishing" and get my sippy cup refilled!
Ahhhh, those were the days.
View on black, I may still have that diaper somewhere
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
I'm In Heaven
This was one of those shots that shouldn't be. I had a horrible day. I was tired and cranky and this four year old kept sticking his sucker to me. Having the wrong attitude makes taking photo's difficult. So I made up my mind to be happy. I tossed the four year old over the railing into the Little Mermaid pond, smiled and looked around. I found a big beam of light from the heavens above shining down on the astro orbiter. I got down, shot some shots and had a good time. Till I came home and downloaded my photo's. Sticky Fingers (the four year old) had touched my lens when I wasn't looking. It took a lot of processing to get rid of all the marks. I am glad I didn't delete this as was my first intention, cause I rather like how this came out. So thanks, Sticky Fingers and sorry for throwing you into the pond.
View on black or it's over the railing with you
100 Pictures: Color
(Seriously Disney Police, you would of thrown him over the railing too. It was a shallow pond)
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
What, Do You Think Money Grow On Trees
Why as a matter of fact I do. Last I checked, money was made of paper and paper comes from trees. So next time you go shopping and it's time to pay, hand them a branch.
View on black, it's free
Our Daily Challenge: Letters
PS. I tried to spell booger but I only had one "O"
Monday, August 22, 2011
And You Thought They Were Slow
I love this lit up sign at Disneyland. Right behind it is the Astro Orbiter. It flings guests at about two thousand miles an hour and sends them on a flight around the world. Eventually landing back at Disneyland safe and unharmed. Would I lie to you?
View on Black to ride
100 Pictures: Flight
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Honey, I Blew Up The Hose
More water, I need MORE water!!!
Oh, not THAT much water.
View on Black or I'll spray you with the hose
Cliche Saturday: Drips and Drops
Friday, August 19, 2011
Carousel of Projects
I am at the D23 Expobright now. It is the biggest, baddest Disney expo in the world. I saw this cool sign all lit up with these cool colored lights and knew I had to go in and check out all the new projects coming up in the parks. We walk into a room with a 180 degree screen and pictures start flying out at you. I got dizzy, fell on my face and a kid stood on me to see better. IT'S AWSOME! :)
View on black to see if my picture will fly out at you
Our Daily Challenge: All Lit Up
PS. Anyone in the area if you could please stop by and pick me up
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Where Holes In Your Pockets Come From
When I was a wee lad, my dad thought I was a brilliant child. He would always engourage me in everything I did. When ever I solved a difficult problem like where does the sun go at night (it goes to sleep behind the mountains in the desert) he would look straight at me and say, Son, if you put your brain on the edge of a razor blade, it would look like a pea rolling down a four lane highway. I mean, how cool is that. So with his engouragement, I decided to make it my life long dream to solve the problem, where do holes in your pockets come from. I am very close to finally solving this problem after 40 years. I'm so excited. When I finally do solve this, don't worry, my next big quest will be where does the one sock go when the dryer eats it. I'm sure it poops it out somewhere.
View on black. th th th the thats all folks
Our Daily Challenge: Worn