
Sunday, March 13, 2011


Lunar(ed) by hbmike2000
Lunar(ed) a photo by hbmike2000 on Flickr.
Our Daily Challenge: Begins With The Letter "L"


Ok, so it didn't really turn out the way I expected. The whole idea was to take a photo of the Lavender plant out front. No brainer.

I grabbed the monkey and took him out with me. I was gonna make it up to him for shovin him in box for the last photo. (was kinda mean) So, I thought I would place him in the Lavender and take a pretty picture.

Monkey in one hand, camera in the other, I approached the Lavender plant. A honey bee flew from the Rosemary and started buzzing in my face. I gently waved it away.

I approached the Lavender again and the bee buzzed back. With my arms waving in the air and yelling "for crying out loud" I retreated away from the Lavender.

A few minutes passed and I felt it safe to approach the Lavender again. With in a foot of gently placing the monkey int the Lavender, the dang bee bee lined straight for me again!

Without thinking, I chucked the monkey at him and this is how he landed ... in the Rosemary ... which has nothingt to do with the letter "L" ... I don't care. :)

Not sure if the monkey is Mooning me on accident or on purpose but I'm using it.

Poor Monkey, he's having a bad day

View on black or I'll chuck the monkey at you too! :)

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