I believe the Galactic Civil War never would of happened had all the leaders worn Mickey Mouse Ears.
View with your Mickey Mouse Ears on
Our Daily Challenge: Representations Of People
Saturday, August 31, 2013
The Epic Battle Of The Force
Friday, August 30, 2013
Legend Has It: Day One
Via Flickr:
I heard from a neighbors wifes sister-in-laws brothers sons friend that there is a legend of a big bird that lives up the hill past the picket fence near the street of Sesame. Of course I don't believe it but I have to say, when I awoke this morning and walked outside to find one great big feather stuck on the fence, I felt myself starting to re-think the truth about what I know.
View in awe of the giant feather
Our Daily Challenge: Feather
Legend Has It: The Day After Tomorrow
I couldn't believe my eyes! I walked outside yet again and found another giant feather tangled in the fence. Not possible I thought. It had to be some sort of toy for a five hundred pound cat. I searched the ground and the sky for the rest of the day for further proof, something that would prove the existence of a Big Bird but found nothing more.
View near a fence
Fenced Friday
Legend Has It: The Last Day
Upon awakening on the third day, I found the tell-tale sign of the giant feather once more. It had to be true yet I still had my doubts until I walked out to the front yard and found my car buried under a giant pile of we'll just say I had to shovel it out. Apparently it does exist. So, if your ever in the neighborhood up the hill past the red picket fence near the street of Sesame, don't bother with an umbrella, it wont help, and never ever look up.
View in a thankful mood that I didn't shoot a photo of my car buried
Our Daily Topic: Feather
Thursday, August 29, 2013
The Time Tube
I told him it was a time tube and all he needed to do was crawl through it to find his way into the future. When he emerged on the other side he was so giddy with joy. He looked up at me and asked how far into the future he went. I told him five seconds.
I'm hiding.
View in the future
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
I Should Of Known Something Was Wrong ...
... when I noticed all the flies left.
As we drove down Highway 79 with the windows UP and the air conditioner on, I realized we were passing my RURAL photo opportunity.
STOP!, I yelled and stop he did as we skidded to a stop sideways in the middle of the road.
Holding his chest and staring at me with a panicked look, he exclaims WHAT? I innocently looked back and quietly said, I want to take a picture of a cow. We'll skip the next part and just say it wasn't very polite.
I opened the door, and was smacked by the smell of ten thousand cows instantly. I made it about a foot and half before jumping back in the car and closing the door. I was asked if I got my shot and I replied, No, it stank too bad. That's when I got chucked out the door and told not to come back till I got the (I'm not repeating the word) shot.
Five minutes later (I had to take TWO breaths) I was back in the car gasping for air as I exclaimed I got the shot and we were off following the flies out of Dodge!
If you are wondering what the cows are doing, they are standing in line for Lady Gaga's new CD.
View with heavy duty nose plugs
Our Daily Challenge: Rural
A Slight Piece Of Heaven
Even in the middle of a desert, you can find a slight piece of Heaven. To bad the fish were rude though. I didn't even know fish HAD fingers, let alone a middle one. I didn't do anything either. Nope. Not a thing. I was totally innocent, minding my own business. I swear.
Fine, I stuck my toe in the water and my feet stank.
View with the stinky fishes
The Denial Of Little Green Men
I wonder if anyone in the CIA ever heard the story about the boy who cried wolf?
After finding out by the CIA that Area 51 truly does exist (because the million of photographs taken weren't proof enough) I decided to go camp near the outskirts of the infamous base to see if alien life truly does exist too. After all, the CIA says they don't and we all know how reliable a source THEY are. Imagine my surprise when I awoke in the middle of the night and shined my flashlight down on the ground of my tent and found MILLIONS of Little Green Men singing the Karaoke version of Blurred LInes.
View with earplugs, they're pretty bad
Our Daily Challenge: Abundance
We All Live In A Yellow Submarine
I know, it's a kazoo. But for whatever reason, I have had the song We All Live In A Yellow Submarine by the Beatles stuck in my head since I took the photograph. Now go put on your swim suit, I think we sprung a leak.
View from the bottom of the sea
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Monday, August 26, 2013
Sunday, August 25, 2013
It's A Kazoo
What? Everybody spits a little when they play the Kazoo.
Go put your raincoat on while viewing and I'll play Stars & Stripes for you.
Sliders sunday Sunday SUNDAY! Hss SS
Saturday, August 24, 2013
While trying to photograph my Seeing Eye Shoe, it got Photobombed by a weed that took all the focus off of it. My Seeing Eye Shoe was so mad, it stepped on the weed repeatedly then threw itself at me in a big hissy fit and hopped off the set!
View with a calm, cool and collective shoe
Cliche Saturday HCS
Friday, August 23, 2013
Every early morning, One Foot Willy loves to sit out by the fence and watch the moonset.
View by the light of the waning moon
Fenced Friday HFF
Flying Below The Wires
At one point I had passengers. It was somewhere after I zoomed below the electrical wires that they decided there chances were better if they just jumped out of the plane ... without parachutes. Rude. I hope they realize they are still paying.
View with clean glasses so you can see the ground rushing at you
Flickr Friday: Paper Airplane
Thursday, August 22, 2013
e pluribus unum
Out of many nations
Out of many people
Out of many beliefs
Out of many, one
Timing is everything and the time is now.
View in One World
Our Daily Challenge: Timing Is Everything
Bokeh Thursday: Coins
The Horror Of Wednesday Night
This is what I look like on Wednesday night just before going to bed knowing full well GARTH is picking the challenge for thursday morning for the Our Daily Challenge Group.
You should see me Thursday morning when I actually SEE the challenge.
View as only Garth can
Our Daily Topic: Timing Is Everything
(Garth, You are AWESOME buddy)
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
It's A New Day's Adventure
As the early morning sun's flames reached over the high mountain tops, it's golden rays of light wound it's way through the slats in my window and slapped me awake. Would today be the day?
I quickly showered, got dressed, petted a mound of cat hair I swear was a cat and grabbed my trusty compass I purchased from a vending machine for a dime in front of a grocery store over two decades ago. I hoped today would be the day.
With compass in hand, I headed North by Northwest. I was looking for something local, something new. It's a new day's adventure and today HAD to be the day!
Finally, I came across some of the native wild life. I slowly approached, hoping not to startle it. It was a fine specimen too. Slowly. It looked up at me, our eyes met. I was afraid it was going to run but it didn't. Closer. It showed signs of running but held it's ground. Finally, I was close enough. "Excuse me sir, Could you pull my finger?" Today wasn't the day.
View with your local wildlife
Our Daily Challenge: Discovery
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Watch Where You Step
When you take a walk in the desert, I was told you needed to watch where you step. So I gave my shoe my glasses. Didn't work out as well as I hoped. Although I didn't step on any scorpions, snakes or other critters, I did bring home around three different kinds of critter poo.
View with your foot
Our Daily Challenge: Shoes
Monday, August 19, 2013
Out West Even The Vegetables Are Tough
Out west in the desert, the climate is pretty harsh. Everything out here has to be tough to survive. Even the vegetables. I had to cut these guys with a hacksaw. A dirty, rusty one at that. Don't look at me that way, they insisted. Now if you don't mind, I'm gonna go have me a nice cold glass of milk. In a dirty glass of course.
View with with your nose plugged because I ate these things and I'm just a foot away from you
Our Daily Challenge: Food
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Cutting Toothpicks
I save money by using a circular saw to cut my toothpicks in half. That way I have TWICE as many. Anybody have any bandages?
View with all your fingers
Sliders Sunday
Saturday, August 17, 2013
The Skillful Art Of Dodging The Challenge, Skill
Throw in a Skilsaw!
Apparently I am not very skillful at using it by all the rust on it. The hook is just in case I DO use it.
and I most definitely did NOT cheat. After all, I did skillfully compose this shot.
View wearing safety googles
Our Daily Challenge: Skil Wha? It's Skill? Dang it!
Friday, August 16, 2013
hbmike2000's photostream
hbmike2000's photostream on Flickr.
hbmike2000's photostream I have received over 1/2 Million Views now. Thanks @Flickr